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Greetings Members!

First Of All most welcome to every new member in Multi-.-Gen-.-X Kickers Bondowoso Community...keep enjoying and have fun with are some rules I know Rules Are Made to Be Broken' Image but in the interests of maintaining a positive and family-friendly environment, the following rules are in effect.

We want to continue to grow Multi-.-Gen-.-X Kickers Bondowoso Community into an active community for web users worldwide. These rules are in place so that all members can enjoy their time here.

1.) Be Respectful
Treat other members as you would have them treat you. This means no flaming, insulting, or belittling other members.

2.) Stay on Topic
Posts in a thread should not deviate from the original topic. For a new discussion, make a separate post.

3.) No inappropriate language or images
Avoid vulgar, racist, and sexist comments, as well as swearing appropriate language should be used . Do not post pornographic, violent, gory, or otherwise offensive graphics or links

4.) No Spamming
Spamming is a broad term. Spamming includes unauthorized advertising, unproductive and useless posting, post-padding, empty posts, referral and associate links, pyramid schemes, etc.

5.) No Avatar or Custom Title Abuse
Avatars and custom titles are subject to Rule 3. Titles may not contain "Banned", "Administrator", "Moderator", or any of their abbreviations

6.) One Account
Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed.

7.) Signatures must adhere to the following specifications:

* Any signature that display a user's IP address and browser information are not allowed.
* Signatures are subject to Rule 3.


*If any one of our forum members abuse's or kick them in mig33 chatrooms , then he or she will be ban without any notice.

9) Enjoy yourself!
Have a great time posting and we look forward to your feedback.

When the rules are breached, the administrator may send warnings, remove privileges, or choose to ban a user immediately, depending on the severity. Ignored warnings and continued offense usually result in banning.

The administrator reserve the right at all times to edit or remove any posts, images, signatures, avatars, and custom titles.

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